Warrior Ritual X4 E Intermediate Goalie Chest & Arm Protector

As low as $329.98
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Warrior's Ritual X4 E Goalie Chest & Arm Protector is built to offer flexible protection with a lightweight feel and a highly-adaptable fit, at a more accessible price point.

AxyFlex Light Elbow Floaters: Warrior's AxyFlex Light elbow floaters allow the goalie a greater range-of-motion with competitive protection and a lightweight, agile feel.
Flexible, Segmented Shoulder Floaters: Warrior's Ritual X4 E chest protector pads the shoulders and collarbones with segmented shoulder floaters. Designed to move easily with a snug, anatomical feel, the X4 E chestie's lightweight, high-impact shoulder floaters balance mobility with protection.

Fit & Feel
Tapered Arms & Shoulders: Prioritizing mobility, the shoulder floaters and padding on Warrior's Ritual X4 E chest protector taper down to hug the natural shape of the shoulders.
4-way Adjustable Backplate: Warrior's R\X4 E allows goalies to fine-tune their chest protector's fit across the chest and at the shoulders. Secured with dynamic elastic strapping, this chest protector stays snug without compromising its flexible feel.

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