
True L20.2 Pro Senior Custom Goalie Leg Pads


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Pad Size
Thigh Size
Break Core & Outer Roll
Knee Zone
Leg Strap
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Boot Strap
Toe Attachment
True Custom Processing Time
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New for 2022, True and the Lefevre family introduce the newest generation of their butterfly-style family, the True L20.2 Pro Senior Custom Goalie Leg Pads!

When coloring the inside edge, you will have the option to use True’s Fast Glide which is designed to create less drag on the ice when sliding around the crease. It is recommended to get the sliding edge of the True L20.2 in white to utilize the Fast Glide technology and get the most out of the potential performance of the L20.2.

Continuing to the build of the pad, the True L20.2 features an aggressive flat-faced design that is different from the more traditional Catalyst PX3 counterpart. Starting off with the face construction, the entire L20.2 is a completely flat design for more predictable rebound purposes. The outer roll is slightly angled towards the inside edge of the pad to help prevent pucks from popping over the pad but instead staying in front of the goaltender.

On the leg channel, some very exciting features exclusive to True can be seen in the strapping systems of both the True L20.2 and Catalyst PX3. Starting from the outside and working our way in, a single strap runs on the upper calf and doubles back to close up the entire leg channel. Opening that up, you will see Trues Fast Rotation System which is made up of two double back straps at the upper and lower calf over two pad that will hug the goaltenders leg and create a comfortable and consistent connection to the pad when making any movement in the new True line.

Finishing up the leg channel, the knee stack is similar to anything else seen in previous True pads in shape but features a grip texture on the inner knee, so the goaltender stays more connected to the knee stack when transitioning in and out of the butterfly. Out of the knee block is an elastic strap that can run directly across the knee or down to the calf depending on what the goaltender prefers.

Finally, down at the boot, you will see an elastic toe tie system that looks similar to a skate lace but stretches nicely to two Velcro points that will run through the skate. An elastic toe tie connection helps the goaltender create less stress on their knee all while helping the pad snap back into place while still having the flexibility needed to get quick pushes. A slightly shallower boot than was found on the L20.1 allows for a better feel of connection to the goalie.

If you are an elite-level goaltender who craves the modern feel and of butterfly-style pads and the quality of Lefevre pads combined with True’s reputation for game changing technological advancements, the True L20.2 Pro Senior Custom Goalie Leg Pads are the pads for you!
