Last Minute Goaltending Items You Need Before the Season Starts

At the beginning of the summer we shared some of our summer tips for the upcoming season. Now that the season is here, its time to gear up! Hopefully by now you are fully equipped for your upcoming season but what are some pieces you might need in the upcoming months? Today we take a dive in to help you prepare with things you might need in the middle of your season at a short notice.
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You never know what is going to happen in a season. We have heard stories of goaltenders breaking sticks back to back in a weekend from freak accidents and barely making it through the next couple weeks waiting for sticks. You can never be too prepared with back up sticks and now is the time to grab them! We have tons of sticks available at new and clearance prices that you can purchase at your exact preferred specs before its too late and you find yourself having to use you goalie partners 3rd stick from Junior B.

In a short sense, don’t be nasty. You always want to be rotating your headbands constantly so that you aren’t building up sweat between games and potentially end up with a fungus across your forehead. That may be over the top but switching sweatbands out regularly is something that will help you during long tournament weekends and back to back nights.

This goes along with the sweatbands. You should always be spraying your gear after every use with some sort of deodorizer or disinfectant to prevent bad smelling gear and bacteria build up. After every use, take all of your gear outside of your bag at the earliest convenience and spray it with deodorizer. We personally recommend using Captodor but anything will work depending on how you feel it effects your gears smell. Don’t be smelly.

Any sort of shirts and pants that you wear underneath your gear should be switched out every season at least and you should always have a back up set just like sweatbands for back to back nights or tournament weekends. Recently, we came out with our very own MonkeySports apparel on any of our websites that are very high quality and made in several variations for all of your apparel needs. Click the title of this section to check them out!

Things such as any types of tapes, stick wax, helmet parts, skate runners, leg pad straps, and anything else you can imagine should go in your bag for emergencies should be picked up now. You never know what you might need and how available said thing will be at the time needed. Pick up all your extra parts and accessories you will need before you’re scrambling to find it at the last second.

Picking up all of these items early on will save you the stress later in the season. It’s always good to have an extra piece of equipment in a pinch to save you the trouble of buying something online and possibly finding out it’s out of stock. You should take advantage of preparing this upcoming season and be ready for anything that might happen!
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